Five Interesting Ways To Achieve Pearly White Teeth

Most of us would want to achieve good dental health. With a complete set of strong and healthy teeth, we get to eat whatever food we like, talk clearly as we can, and smile as much as we want. These purposes and reasons are all valid and practical. But there is this unique percentage of the population who want to achieve healthy, white, and near-perfect teeth for the sake of good appearance.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good by flashing an immaculate smile. But achieving that may take a lot of hard work. Nevertheless, it is never impossible if one is just focused and willing to arduously work on it. In fact, we can share with you five interesting ways by which you can achieve your ever-dreamed ultra-white teeth.

1. Consume “cleansing” foods.
Foods are there to nourish our bodies. But they also serve a lot of other purposes. Did you know that certain foods can actually act as cleansing agents for our teeth? Yes, you read that right. There are actually detergent foods that when consumed, can make our teeth cleaner and whiter. These foods include apples, celery, carrots, and even pop corn. These foods are not just healthy, but they also clean our teeth as we eat and chew on them. So if you want to effortlessly achieve whiter teeth, it is best to stock up on them now.

2. Pursue a “light” diet.
Light diet means consuming light-colored foods and drinks. If it stains your hands, it might probably stain your teeth, too. So if you have other light-colored options of the treats and fluids that you like, then it is best that you opt for them. If you can’t help it, you can at least brush your teeth immediately after consuming them to prevent staining your teeth.

3. Brush using baking soda.
Baking soda works magic on almost anything, even on your teeth. Every now and then, try substituting your toothpaste with baking soda to remove the stains and further whiten your teeth. Salt can also be a great substitute. The best interval would be weekly to get the best results.

4. Use the right lip color.
Ladies, the color of your lipsticks can help you a lot to create an illusion of seemingly whiter teeth. Choose colors like carnation, light red, or medium coral lipstick to achieve the look.

5. Or just go to your dentist for cosmetic dental care.
Of course, when all else fails, you can always go to your dentist. They are not just there for preventive or restorative purposes. They are also available to help you look your best. With advancements in cosmetic dentistry, you need not go through the hassle of it all just to achieve that flashy smile. A visit or two can already make your ultra-white-teeth dream come true.

All of us would want to look better, one way or another. There is nothing wrong with that for as long as we do not take steps that are rather harmful to us and to others. With modern technologies and advancements, anything is possible-even a perfect set of teeth.

If you are looking for dentists who can help you look your best through the aid of cosmetic dentistry, then our dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA is perfect for you. Tooth Spa Dentistry is committed not just to give you a healthy smile, but one which you can always wear with pride. With our cosmetic dentistry services, we can help you whiten your teeth in a matter of minutes through our professional and safe whitening system.

We also restore broken or damaged teeth through veneers and tooth-colored fillings that are sure to perfect your look. Call us today to know more about our cosmetic dentistry services. Our number is 916-209-3708. You may also visit our clinic at Sterling Parkway, Suite #130, Lincoln CA. We operate from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We serve by-appointment and emergency patients on Sundays. See you soon!

Why Must We Brush our Teeth Two Times a Day?

“Brush your teeth two times a day.”

You may have heard it from your parents, the dentist or even from the television. But regardless of which source you have heard it from, those sources are right in the first place.

There are a lot of benefits from brushing your teeth two times a day and these benefits include:

  • Promotes fresh breath
    Bad breath does not only ruin your day but also prevents you from socializing. If you do not regularly brush your teeth, bacteria can build up thus causing a lot of problems. In order to prevent such happenings, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. And do not forget to brush your tongue. You can also opt for sugar free gums after every meal.
  • Thwarts gum disease
    Not brushing your teeth can make you prone to plaque build-up. Plaque happens when there is an amassing of food and bacteria and it can happen in our mouths without us knowing. Once you leave it as it is, it will worsen and develop into Gingivitis. This is a yellow lining that can be found at the base of your tooth, the part where your tooth meets your gums. Once you brush them off, it will lead to the inflammation and bleeding of your gums.
  • Eradicates teeth stains
    There are mild abrasive contained in toothpastes that can remove surface stains and debris. These abrasives include the following:

    • Aluminum oxides
    • Calcium carbonate
    • Dehydrated silica gels
    • Phosphate salts hydrated
    • Silicates
  • Lessens your likelihood of getting heart attack or stroke
    Believe it or not, there is a correlation between a poorly-maintained dental health and a chance of having stroke or heart attack. If the bacteria continue building up in your mouth, you will have increased the cholesterol build up in your arteries which would then lead to stroke or heart attack.
  • Makes you kissable
    Let us just admit it. We do not want to have sweet and mushy mouth encounters with people who have bad breath or those who have food stuck in their teeth. One way to effectively remove and get rid of odor-causing bacteria and remnants of your last meal is to brush your teeth.
  • Saves you money
    Prevention is better than cure. And oftentimes, the cure is much more expensive than the prevention process. When you brush your teeth, you are not only preventing an unhealthy oral health but also saving money.
  • Aids you in avoiding dementia
    Studies show that if you have poor oral health, your chance of developing dementia is greater by 30% to 40%.

Hope you learn a lot from the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day. Tooth Spa Dentistry is the leading and unique provider of dental care with complimentary spa services. If you are looking for Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, you can visit our website at to schedule an appointment.

Tooth Spa Dentistry: Making Your Next Dental Appointment A Can’t-Wait Date

Recall the last time you had an appointment with your dentist.

Was it a pleasant experience? Or did you find it boring and time consuming? Or worse, was it downright irritating?

When you got out of the clinic, did you wear a smile? Or you couldn’t hide the pout (no matter how hard you tried)?

The Common Dental Clinic Experience . . .

The prospect of just seeing your dentist is already harrowing enough.

No, it’s not because of the pain, although that’s one of the reasons.

Cost proves to be a weightier issue here. We all know that simple dental procedures like oral prophylaxis or simple tooth removal are no longer chicken feed these days. How much more for complicated operations like removal of impacted tooth with bony tissue or surgical exposure of unerupted tooth with ortho attachments? These and many other similar procedures can certainly set us back not only a few hundred dollars but some thousand bucks even.

As if that’s not enough, more likely than not, you are made to sit at the waiting room while waiting for your turn. We all know that the longer you wait, the more anxious you can get, not to mention the boredom of not doing anything.

Well, there are back issues of dental publications sitting on the center table waiting for anyone to leaf through them. There’s also an update of the upcoming elections from one of the more popular news networks running on the small LED TV screwed on the wall.

But what if you are not fond of reading or watching TV?

A 30 minute-long wait guarantees a waste of precious time.

Versus The Tooth Spa Dentistry Experience

The prospect of seeing your dentist at Tooth Spa Dentistry, the relaxing Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, is something that you look forward to, a far cry from what we have just recounted above.

Just consider the following:

  • You relax while waiting for your turn at the dentist’s chair. This is because the unique Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA offers complimentary spa services alongside dental services.
  • You then deserve a relaxed, comfortable and calm experience while having a dental treatment in our unique spa-like environment.
  • Our personnel listen and understand first before they deliver individualized uncompromised care for you.
  • At Tooth Spa Dentistry, you will be treated like family. Our staff are friendly and approachable.
  • Our dentist, Irene Hermo, has 20 years of experience in dental care from initial exams, tooth whitening, sealants, veneers, invisalign, tooth extractions, tooth filling, dental bridges, tooth crowns, dentures and more.
  • You will wear a genuine smile upon going out of our place because of the discounts that we offer as well as other perks both for those who have insurance and those who don’t have, which makes payments lighter on your pocket.

Residents and visitors of Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville, Wheatland, Folsom, Loomis and nearby cities and counties, you can now enjoy the amenities of a spa in a dental clinic at the one and only Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA.

Visit us now at 831 Sterling Parkway, Suite #130, Lincoln, CA 95648. You can also keep in touch with us through these contact numbers: phone 916-209-3708; mobile 916-206-1415 and fax 888-858-1377.

Send us a message through email at or through our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ accounts.

Dental clinic in a spa-like environment? What would be your take on that? Please leave your comments on the space provided below.

Why Am I Experiencing Tooth Pain?

You or your loved ones might be struggling with much tooth pain right now and you simply need answers. Tooth pain can range from mild to severe pain from fleeting to throbbing and constant feeling right at the center of your affected tooth or teeth. This sensation is simply a response to stimuli sending out warnings in a form of unpleasant experiences that something is just not right.

Tooth Spa Dentistry, a reliable provider of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, aims to inform our dearest readers on giving light on the causes behind this discomfort:

1. Cavity
This is probably one of the most common causes of oral pain. Certain bacteria feed on the food particles trapped in your mouth. Eventually, they produce an acid over time that can breakdown the protective tooth enamel into the sensitive dentin below.

2. Enamel erosion
As aforementioned above, the bacteria gives off acids in your mouth that can break down over time. These acids may also come from your diet and gastric acids from acid reflux, and vomiting.

3. Tooth grinding/ jaw clenching
These are coined as parafunctional habits or behaviors where extreme stress on the teeth. These actions can wear them down creating increased sensitivity and jaw soreness.

4. Chip/Crack/Fracture
Your teeth may be stronger than your bones but constant use and pressure caused by biting and chewing as well as bruxism (extreme teeth grinding) and jaw clenching can weaken your teeth. As the thin lines start in the enamel, they can evolve into cracks, chips, and fractures that can expose the nerve endings. These might cause severe pain over time.

5. Periodontal disease
This is one of the most common oral problems that is an infection of the tissues. These tissues are supposed to be the support of the teeth. However, due to bacterial biofilm (plaque) along the gum lines, this infection causes the inflammation. In worst cases, this infection can travel to the end of a tooth root or through accessory canals gaining entrance into the dental pulp—ouch!

6. Recent dental work
Dental work can really inflame the pulp tissues and cause temporary sensitivity to anything that subsides the pulp. You should not expose your teeth or mouth to severe temperatures of foods like hot or cold if you do not want an unpleasant experience.

7. Abscess
An abscess is a commonly known pus-filled sac generally caused by an infection. This can occur at the base of the roots of a tooth or in the spaces between the tooth and gum. Any infection that can affect the nerve endings and gums of your tooth will definitely give you disquieted nights.

There is actually more of that from where it came from! Know more about the sources of tooth pain and how you can manage them well with Tooth Spa Dentistry, a long-trusted provider of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA! Call us today for more information and assistance!

Facts Every Patients Need to Know About Preventive Dentistry

Our dental health is what we need to care for when we are expected to be healthy as we perform our tasks every day. A healthy oral health also calls for a healthy overall health as diseases like the following are linked to having a poor oral health:

  • Cardiovascular disease, otherwise known as heart disease
  • Dementia
  • Diabetic complications
  • Respiratory infection

Those diseases sound scarier than the last horror movie you watched as it can give you a total rip off. In order to prevent these diseases from ruining your life, you must prevent them by taking care of your oral health.

Did you know that there is such a thing called preventive dentistry? Such service is offered by Tooth Spa Dentistry, the state’s leading provider of Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. In this blog, we will be talking all about preventive dentistry as we discuss the facts every patient needs to know about it.

What is preventive dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is…

  • A contemporary method in aiding you in maintaining a healthy mouth
  • Helping people in keeping a complete set of teeth
  • An alternative dental patients need to try to avoid further costs
  • Lending a hand in preventing tooth decay and gum disease

How does preventive dentistry work?

It is just easy, simple and pain-free. Your trusted dental care providers will just:

  1. Check your teeth and gums
  2. Talk to you about any possible treatment you need and may undergo

Most of our patients here in Tooth Spa Dentistry go through the following in our preventive dentistry services and our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA:

    • Removing plaques and tartar on teeth, also known as “scale and polish”
    • Educating patients the following:
      • Properly brushing their teeth
      • Cleaning in between teeth
      • Using floss or interdental brushes
      • Removing bacterial ‘plaque’
    • Receiving advices on how to handle oral care products
    • Talking about diet that can affect your oral health
    • Having a discussion on habits that pose a grave threat to a healthy teeth like smoking and drinking

Who benefits from preventive dentistry?
It benefits all people no matter their age, gender and status in life. It even is beneficial to those who do not have teeth.

Where can one get quality preventive dentistry and Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA?
You can enjoy these dental care services here in Tooth Spa Dentistry. With dentists who are professional and experienced in working with kids and adults alike, we make sure that the beautiful State of California produced healthy citizens. We do not only take care of our client’s oral health but also give importance to their comfort as we offer complementary spa services for those who are waiting to be served.

Do you have any questions about preventive dentistry? How about our dental services that are paired with spa services? Send us a message and help spread our mission of spreading dental awareness.


First impressions are everything, from your hairstyle, chic ensembles and a flashy smile. It’s always nice to have a flashing set of pearly whites as you smile. Having an attractive, healthy smile, whether you’re socializing personally or virtually, makes you feel confident. Your smile creates a significant impact on what others perceive about you. That is why good oral hygiene is important!

Without keeping a good oral health practice, your smile will suffer a lot of dental and medical problems later. Always keep track on your dental health by seeking dental checkups at Tooth Spa Dentistry, a Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, to help prevent and eliminate these many problems that puts off your perfect smile!

Tooth Spa Dentistry shares this list of dental hygiene tips that you need to incorporate on your daily routine:

  1. BRUSH YOUR TEETH. This is not something new, but not all people quite understand how to brush your teeth. Or they knew, but they fail to apply it as they clean them. Brushing your teeth isn’t just making vertical swipes on them nor doing the up-and-down technique. You need to include the inner corners of your mouth by placing the bristles at a 45-degree angle and repeating the back-and-forth, up-and-down motion. Lastly, scrub your tongue and the roof of your mouth lightly to remove the primary causes of bad breath: bacteria.

    Aim to brush your teeth at least twice a day. But if you have a strict daily schedule, you can have a quick dental care by rinsing your mouth with water to lessen food particles infiltrating the gaps between your teeth.

  2. FLOSS IT! Flossing is a tough responsibility to keep track with, most especially if you’re too excited to rush out the door to watch your favorite drama played on screen or get a good night sleep. But this chore, not matter how inconvenient it can be, is one of your teeth’s superhero as it removes food particles that a regular brushing couldn’t. Tooth Spa Dentistry recommends you to floss at least once a day.
  3. QUIT SMOKING. You’re doing a big favor to your teeth. How? Firstly, it can save you from the potential risks of developing oral cancer and periodontal complications. Secondly, it keeps you away from the food you used to mask the smell of tobacco. Like chewing a gum or eating a candy after smoking. It’ll only cause more damage to your teeth.
  4. LESSEN COFFEE, ALCOHOL, AND SODA INTAKE. Although they complete the list of any man’s favorites, too much of them may cause dental hygiene problems including tooth decay and gum disease. Not only this, they can stain your pearly whites too, turning them to yellow – dull and discolored! As an alternative to these sugary drinks, choose milk products instead which helps in keeping your teeth and enamel strong and healthy.
  5. TAKE THOSE SUPPLEMENTS. Like calcium and any other vitamins good for the body. Calcium is good for your bones and teeth, so consume milk goods, fortified orange juice, and other dairy products. Aside from calcium, include Vitamin D supplements on your daily intakes. Other good vitamins would be: Vitamin B, copper, zinc, iodine, iron and potassium.
  6. CHECK WITH YOUR DENTIST. Like any other medical checkups, you have to pay regular visits to your dentist too for at least twice a year, and have a full hygiene treatment performed. This will help you keep track on your oral health and prevent possible problems from occurring. Our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA is ready to take care of your smile today!
  7. DON’T NEGLECT ANY DENTAL SYMPTOMS. Are you experiencing any tooth pain? Any oral concerns, no matter how small, demand for a dental checkup. Have any dental symptoms be checked by your dentist to diagnose the underlying cause and treat it before it turns to a nightmare.

Tooth Spa Dentistry is the only dental care provider that offers complimentary spa services alongside Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. Relax while you wait for your turn at the dentist’s chair! When you’re a patient at Tooth Spa Dentistry, “you will definitely look forward to your dental appointments.” Call us today at 916-209-3708.

Myths about Bad Breath that Makes All Dentists Cringe

All of us love a good old myth that explains some sort of origin story but we all know some of it may get a little bit farfetched. As we make Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA possible, our team of dental professionals here in Tooth Spa Dentistry cringes at some of the myths about the origin of some mouth problems. Do you want to know why? It is because some of these myths are generating false practices for the people around us.

A lot of people suffer from bad breath. We can all relate to this whether it is you who has the problem or the person seated next to you. So how does one who suffers from bad breath or halitosis get rid of this problem? Let us visit some good old myth, shall we?

Myth #1: Mouthwash

Okay, we can let this slide but only a little. We understand that once you take that magical mouthwash and swirl it around your oral area, the bad breath goes away… or does it? Truth be told, mouthwashes cannot be reliable at all times when it comes to killing of the bacteria that is responsible for one’s condition. It only gets rid of the problem temporarily but it comes back just as how phoenixes do after they die.

If you want to buy a mouthwash that eliminates some bacteria that causes the condition, you have to look for an item that kills one. Scan through the products sold in the store and trust those that are ADA (American Dental Association) approved. And of course, you can ask your dentist which mouthwash is best to use. Our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA does not exist for nothing, you know.

Myth #2: Toothbrush and toothpaste

This myth goes that as long as one brushes his or her teeth, one can prevent bad breath. We wish it to be true but it is not. The reason why this is the least effective method to rid of the condition is because a person only and typically brushes their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds. That does not eliminate those bacteria that cause your stinky breath.

It is advisable to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes. Also, do not forget to include your tongue in the process. Bad breath causing bacteria love to hang out on our tongues. You should also floss everyday to get rid of the bacteria that are staying in between your teeth. You can even do away with those bacteria that give off that rancid smell if you are lucky.

Let us close out the list of unacceptable myths with a solution that is nowhere to be true. So according to this myth, how can we tell ourselves if we have bad breath?

Myth #3: Breathing onto your hand

We often see this in commercials on oral hygiene products like toothpastes and mouthwashes but this gesture holds no truth in it. Breathing does not bring out the odor from the area way back of our mouths where the bacteria are. Another thing is that we are all accustomed to our own smell so how can we tell if our breath is stinky or not?

Halitosis is a dental and medical condition that needs to be addressed. We stand up and fight against this condition by giving Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. So go to your dentist now and help win back your reputation by fighting bad breath.

4 Reasons You Should Get a Regular Dental Checkup

Regular dental checkup should not be taken for granted. Tooth Spa Dentistry, one of the trustworthy providers of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, strongly advices you to take care of your oral health. In this manner, we can give you 4 major reasons as to why you should get a regular dental checkup.

1. Clean off cavities, plaque, tartar
Cleaning Appointments is the best thing you can regularly do to avoid buildup of plaque, tartar, and cavities. Daily brushing and flosses may not always be effective especially in small areas in your mouth. Plaque is also very much difficult to remove especially when they have already solidified to a tartar, which can only be removed by professional help only. Tartar is germs that cause erosion and holes in your teeth and from these holes, cavities take place. From a small ache, cavities can already start building its territory because of the decay of the teeth. Regular cleanings thought prevent these decaying natural processes become damaging.

2. Treat gum disease
From the cavity-buildup and small ache it causes, if still untreated, they can worsen to erode the mouth’s gum tissues. When tartar buildup affects the gum tissues, an infection called gingivitis can progress to detach the teeth from the gums. Swelling, bleeding and soreness in the mouth’s gums can affect your daily oral health. Gum disease causes the bones that hold teeth in place to break down, loosen and fall out altogether which will then only need a dental specialist to treat. So, before blowing up your wallets for treatments with gum diseases, regular dental cleanings are pretty much your only answer.

3. Get your bad habits in check
Given that you have ignored the negative impacts of bad habits on your oral health, there are still other habits that can actually cause problems in your mouth like clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth, eating hard/sticky sweets, chewing ice, biting your nails, drinking too much coffee and wine, and smoking. If you keep doing these habits on a regular basis, then do not ask your doctor for the causes but instead, ask them for the cure on the oral problems that you are experiencing. You can still fix what is broken and damaged. This time you can do it right with a quality provider of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA !

4. Get oral cancer detected early
Oral cancer is probably one of the worst oral conditions that anyone who is admittedly careless about their oral health for the past years can experience. Its early onset does not usually show any signs without the professional eye and it can progress quickly which can become life-threatening. However, with a regular dental checkup, early stage oral cancer diagnosis can easily be treated. A highly-trained dentist from a quality provider of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA can easily recognize the signs and symptoms and can treat it successfully via Velscope Cancer exam which is non-invasive, painless, and could actually save your life.

Tooth Spa Dentistry is the quality provider of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA for you and your family members today! We offer the best dental services through the oral health specialists we have in our team. We also have the up-to-date tools and apparatus to help you achieve the optimal dental health you are worthy of. We are open from Mondays-Fridays (9 AM-6 PM), Saturdays (9 AM to 4 PM), and Sundays for appointments and emergency only. For consultation and oral health-related services, you may contact us at this number: 916-209-3708.

3 Surprising Facts about Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you holding your smile because you do not have a perfect set of teeth? Are you quite shy talking and laughing with your friends because you just recently have a tooth extract few days ago? Well, dentists have found a solution for you that you cannot refuse. We know how to treat your teeth and bring out your best smile and that is through cosmetic dentistry.

Apart from fixing your teeth, our dentists at ToothSpa Dentistry, the best choice when it comes to Dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, is also concerned on how to make your teeth and gums healthier so that you can have your perfect smile.

If you are asking how are we going to fix your smile? We follow different procedures depending on what kind of fixing do you need. Whether you want to align your teeth, whiten your teeth or a total make-over, we can give you all that and more!

Here are some things you need to know about cosmetic dentistry:
1. Dentists focus on how to make you look good with your smile
Apart from tooth extract, cleanings and other procedures, there are dentists who are concerned about your appearance. They fix your teeth in order to give you your best look. Most dentists engage in these procedures:

  • Tooth reshaping- in this procedure, your dentist will contour your teeth by shaving a little of the surface of your enamel to improve the shape of your teeth.
  • Tooth whitening- in this procedure includes the application of different teeth whitening products to make your teeth look brighter and lighter. This is a common procedure that many people undergo today. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a sunny smile with sparkling teeth. In fact this is one of the most favorite cosmetic procedure in ToothSpa Dentistry, the premiere Dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA
  • Smile make-overs- this is an extensive dental procedure that involves several procedure until dentists get your perfect smile.

2. It is your dentist that will advise you what procedure you should undergo
If you think that you can just demand your dentist to do a filling or reshaping in your teeth, you thought wrong. Dental cosmetology is a serious business. It involves a thorough examination before your dentist will allow you to undergo such procedure. So you should talk to your dentist first. Rest assured all dentists with a degree can perform cosmetic dentistry so do not worry.

3. Sensitive Teeth might be a possible side effect
There are some studies that show people after the treatment usually complains about how their teeth can be sensitive to hot and cold foods. There are also some who notice white patches on gum lines or experience sore throat. But there is nothing you should worry about, these are just some reactions after your procedure and will disappear in a few days.

So if you are considering a cosmetic procedure for your teeth, ask the professionals first. We can help you with that at ToothSpa Dentistry, your reliable provider of Dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. You can visit our website for more information

Why You Should Invest in Preventive Dental Care

Prevention is always better than cure, they say, and if you are one of those who strongly believe in this famous saying, then you should not hesitate to go to a reliable dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA for a regular dental check. Here are few pointers that might further convince you why a preventive dental care is indeed worth your time and money:

  • Fighting Periodontal Disease
  • Have you noticed some blood from your gargle everytime you brush your teeth? Well guess what, you are not the only one experiencing this. In fact, it is very common that dentists are not surprised to hear this kind of complaint from their patients. This oral condition is called periodontal disease. Most people have this gum problem but simply choose to ignore it. Luckily, you can easily treat periodontal disease with the help of Tooth Spa Dentistry‘s dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. This reliable company prevents and reverses bleeding gums through proper care and treatment. They also offer periodontal therapy that will help treat your gums and give you a consistently positive oral health.

  • Having White Teeth Always
  • Of course, teeth whitening is part of the professional preventive dental care services provided by Tooth Spa Dentistry‘s dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. If you have perfectly white teeth all the time, you can confidently that sweet, nice smile to all your loved ones. Plus, you will have no problem at all interacting with others simply because you are very much aware that your teeth is white and shows no sign of tooth decay or any dental problems at all. Apart from dental cleaning, you may even experience thorough health checks to make sure that you have a healthy mouth all the time.

  • Getting Loads of Extra Services
  • Did you know that Tooth Spa Dentistry offers more than just dental services? Aside from teeth whitening, dental cleaning, emergency tooth extraction, application of dentures, and tooth-colored fillings, this reliable dental care company also provides refreshments, like coffee, tea, water, and juice. Their clients also get to enjoy utmost relaxation here because of their warm or cold aromatherapy towels, warm blanket, aromatherapy neck pillows, and warm or cold aromatherapy shoulder wrap. Other spa services they offer are facial and head massage, neck and shoulder massage, hand massage, foot massage, and hot stone massage.

Contact Tooth Spa Dentistry now to get more details about the many services we offer.