Tooth Spa Dentistry: Making Your Next Dental Appointment A Can’t-Wait Date

Recall the last time you had an appointment with your dentist.

Was it a pleasant experience? Or did you find it boring and time consuming? Or worse, was it downright irritating?

When you got out of the clinic, did you wear a smile? Or you couldn’t hide the pout (no matter how hard you tried)?

The Common Dental Clinic Experience . . .

The prospect of just seeing your dentist is already harrowing enough.

No, it’s not because of the pain, although that’s one of the reasons.

Cost proves to be a weightier issue here. We all know that simple dental procedures like oral prophylaxis or simple tooth removal are no longer chicken feed these days. How much more for complicated operations like removal of impacted tooth with bony tissue or surgical exposure of unerupted tooth with ortho attachments? These and many other similar procedures can certainly set us back not only a few hundred dollars but some thousand bucks even.

As if that’s not enough, more likely than not, you are made to sit at the waiting room while waiting for your turn. We all know that the longer you wait, the more anxious you can get, not to mention the boredom of not doing anything.

Well, there are back issues of dental publications sitting on the center table waiting for anyone to leaf through them. There’s also an update of the upcoming elections from one of the more popular news networks running on the small LED TV screwed on the wall.

But what if you are not fond of reading or watching TV?

A 30 minute-long wait guarantees a waste of precious time.

Versus The Tooth Spa Dentistry Experience

The prospect of seeing your dentist at Tooth Spa Dentistry, the relaxing Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, is something that you look forward to, a far cry from what we have just recounted above.

Just consider the following:

  • You relax while waiting for your turn at the dentist’s chair. This is because the unique Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA offers complimentary spa services alongside dental services.
  • You then deserve a relaxed, comfortable and calm experience while having a dental treatment in our unique spa-like environment.
  • Our personnel listen and understand first before they deliver individualized uncompromised care for you.
  • At Tooth Spa Dentistry, you will be treated like family. Our staff are friendly and approachable.
  • Our dentist, Irene Hermo, has 20 years of experience in dental care from initial exams, tooth whitening, sealants, veneers, invisalign, tooth extractions, tooth filling, dental bridges, tooth crowns, dentures and more.
  • You will wear a genuine smile upon going out of our place because of the discounts that we offer as well as other perks both for those who have insurance and those who don’t have, which makes payments lighter on your pocket.

Residents and visitors of Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville, Wheatland, Folsom, Loomis and nearby cities and counties, you can now enjoy the amenities of a spa in a dental clinic at the one and only Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA.

Visit us now at 831 Sterling Parkway, Suite #130, Lincoln, CA 95648. You can also keep in touch with us through these contact numbers: phone 916-209-3708; mobile 916-206-1415 and fax 888-858-1377.

Send us a message through email at or through our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ accounts.

Dental clinic in a spa-like environment? What would be your take on that? Please leave your comments on the space provided below.

Why Am I Experiencing Tooth Pain?

You or your loved ones might be struggling with much tooth pain right now and you simply need answers. Tooth pain can range from mild to severe pain from fleeting to throbbing and constant feeling right at the center of your affected tooth or teeth. This sensation is simply a response to stimuli sending out warnings in a form of unpleasant experiences that something is just not right.

Tooth Spa Dentistry, a reliable provider of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, aims to inform our dearest readers on giving light on the causes behind this discomfort:

1. Cavity
This is probably one of the most common causes of oral pain. Certain bacteria feed on the food particles trapped in your mouth. Eventually, they produce an acid over time that can breakdown the protective tooth enamel into the sensitive dentin below.

2. Enamel erosion
As aforementioned above, the bacteria gives off acids in your mouth that can break down over time. These acids may also come from your diet and gastric acids from acid reflux, and vomiting.

3. Tooth grinding/ jaw clenching
These are coined as parafunctional habits or behaviors where extreme stress on the teeth. These actions can wear them down creating increased sensitivity and jaw soreness.

4. Chip/Crack/Fracture
Your teeth may be stronger than your bones but constant use and pressure caused by biting and chewing as well as bruxism (extreme teeth grinding) and jaw clenching can weaken your teeth. As the thin lines start in the enamel, they can evolve into cracks, chips, and fractures that can expose the nerve endings. These might cause severe pain over time.

5. Periodontal disease
This is one of the most common oral problems that is an infection of the tissues. These tissues are supposed to be the support of the teeth. However, due to bacterial biofilm (plaque) along the gum lines, this infection causes the inflammation. In worst cases, this infection can travel to the end of a tooth root or through accessory canals gaining entrance into the dental pulp—ouch!

6. Recent dental work
Dental work can really inflame the pulp tissues and cause temporary sensitivity to anything that subsides the pulp. You should not expose your teeth or mouth to severe temperatures of foods like hot or cold if you do not want an unpleasant experience.

7. Abscess
An abscess is a commonly known pus-filled sac generally caused by an infection. This can occur at the base of the roots of a tooth or in the spaces between the tooth and gum. Any infection that can affect the nerve endings and gums of your tooth will definitely give you disquieted nights.

There is actually more of that from where it came from! Know more about the sources of tooth pain and how you can manage them well with Tooth Spa Dentistry, a long-trusted provider of dental care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA! Call us today for more information and assistance!