Facts Every Patients Need to Know About Preventive Dentistry

Our dental health is what we need to care for when we are expected to be healthy as we perform our tasks every day. A healthy oral health also calls for a healthy overall health as diseases like the following are linked to having a poor oral health:

  • Cardiovascular disease, otherwise known as heart disease
  • Dementia
  • Diabetic complications
  • Respiratory infection

Those diseases sound scarier than the last horror movie you watched as it can give you a total rip off. In order to prevent these diseases from ruining your life, you must prevent them by taking care of your oral health.

Did you know that there is such a thing called preventive dentistry? Such service is offered by Tooth Spa Dentistry, the state’s leading provider of Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. In this blog, we will be talking all about preventive dentistry as we discuss the facts every patient needs to know about it.

What is preventive dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is…

  • A contemporary method in aiding you in maintaining a healthy mouth
  • Helping people in keeping a complete set of teeth
  • An alternative dental patients need to try to avoid further costs
  • Lending a hand in preventing tooth decay and gum disease

How does preventive dentistry work?

It is just easy, simple and pain-free. Your trusted dental care providers will just:

  1. Check your teeth and gums
  2. Talk to you about any possible treatment you need and may undergo

Most of our patients here in Tooth Spa Dentistry go through the following in our preventive dentistry services and our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA:

    • Removing plaques and tartar on teeth, also known as “scale and polish”
    • Educating patients the following:
      • Properly brushing their teeth
      • Cleaning in between teeth
      • Using floss or interdental brushes
      • Removing bacterial ‘plaque’
    • Receiving advices on how to handle oral care products
    • Talking about diet that can affect your oral health
    • Having a discussion on habits that pose a grave threat to a healthy teeth like smoking and drinking

Who benefits from preventive dentistry?
It benefits all people no matter their age, gender and status in life. It even is beneficial to those who do not have teeth.

Where can one get quality preventive dentistry and Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA?
You can enjoy these dental care services here in Tooth Spa Dentistry. With dentists who are professional and experienced in working with kids and adults alike, we make sure that the beautiful State of California produced healthy citizens. We do not only take care of our client’s oral health but also give importance to their comfort as we offer complementary spa services for those who are waiting to be served.

Do you have any questions about preventive dentistry? How about our dental services that are paired with spa services? Send us a message and help spread our mission of spreading dental awareness.


First impressions are everything, from your hairstyle, chic ensembles and a flashy smile. It’s always nice to have a flashing set of pearly whites as you smile. Having an attractive, healthy smile, whether you’re socializing personally or virtually, makes you feel confident. Your smile creates a significant impact on what others perceive about you. That is why good oral hygiene is important!

Without keeping a good oral health practice, your smile will suffer a lot of dental and medical problems later. Always keep track on your dental health by seeking dental checkups at Tooth Spa Dentistry, a Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, to help prevent and eliminate these many problems that puts off your perfect smile!

Tooth Spa Dentistry shares this list of dental hygiene tips that you need to incorporate on your daily routine:

  1. BRUSH YOUR TEETH. This is not something new, but not all people quite understand how to brush your teeth. Or they knew, but they fail to apply it as they clean them. Brushing your teeth isn’t just making vertical swipes on them nor doing the up-and-down technique. You need to include the inner corners of your mouth by placing the bristles at a 45-degree angle and repeating the back-and-forth, up-and-down motion. Lastly, scrub your tongue and the roof of your mouth lightly to remove the primary causes of bad breath: bacteria.

    Aim to brush your teeth at least twice a day. But if you have a strict daily schedule, you can have a quick dental care by rinsing your mouth with water to lessen food particles infiltrating the gaps between your teeth.

  2. FLOSS IT! Flossing is a tough responsibility to keep track with, most especially if you’re too excited to rush out the door to watch your favorite drama played on screen or get a good night sleep. But this chore, not matter how inconvenient it can be, is one of your teeth’s superhero as it removes food particles that a regular brushing couldn’t. Tooth Spa Dentistry recommends you to floss at least once a day.
  3. QUIT SMOKING. You’re doing a big favor to your teeth. How? Firstly, it can save you from the potential risks of developing oral cancer and periodontal complications. Secondly, it keeps you away from the food you used to mask the smell of tobacco. Like chewing a gum or eating a candy after smoking. It’ll only cause more damage to your teeth.
  4. LESSEN COFFEE, ALCOHOL, AND SODA INTAKE. Although they complete the list of any man’s favorites, too much of them may cause dental hygiene problems including tooth decay and gum disease. Not only this, they can stain your pearly whites too, turning them to yellow – dull and discolored! As an alternative to these sugary drinks, choose milk products instead which helps in keeping your teeth and enamel strong and healthy.
  5. TAKE THOSE SUPPLEMENTS. Like calcium and any other vitamins good for the body. Calcium is good for your bones and teeth, so consume milk goods, fortified orange juice, and other dairy products. Aside from calcium, include Vitamin D supplements on your daily intakes. Other good vitamins would be: Vitamin B, copper, zinc, iodine, iron and potassium.
  6. CHECK WITH YOUR DENTIST. Like any other medical checkups, you have to pay regular visits to your dentist too for at least twice a year, and have a full hygiene treatment performed. This will help you keep track on your oral health and prevent possible problems from occurring. Our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA is ready to take care of your smile today!
  7. DON’T NEGLECT ANY DENTAL SYMPTOMS. Are you experiencing any tooth pain? Any oral concerns, no matter how small, demand for a dental checkup. Have any dental symptoms be checked by your dentist to diagnose the underlying cause and treat it before it turns to a nightmare.

Tooth Spa Dentistry is the only dental care provider that offers complimentary spa services alongside Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. Relax while you wait for your turn at the dentist’s chair! When you’re a patient at Tooth Spa Dentistry, “you will definitely look forward to your dental appointments.” Call us today at 916-209-3708.

Myths about Bad Breath that Makes All Dentists Cringe

All of us love a good old myth that explains some sort of origin story but we all know some of it may get a little bit farfetched. As we make Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA possible, our team of dental professionals here in Tooth Spa Dentistry cringes at some of the myths about the origin of some mouth problems. Do you want to know why? It is because some of these myths are generating false practices for the people around us.

A lot of people suffer from bad breath. We can all relate to this whether it is you who has the problem or the person seated next to you. So how does one who suffers from bad breath or halitosis get rid of this problem? Let us visit some good old myth, shall we?

Myth #1: Mouthwash

Okay, we can let this slide but only a little. We understand that once you take that magical mouthwash and swirl it around your oral area, the bad breath goes away… or does it? Truth be told, mouthwashes cannot be reliable at all times when it comes to killing of the bacteria that is responsible for one’s condition. It only gets rid of the problem temporarily but it comes back just as how phoenixes do after they die.

If you want to buy a mouthwash that eliminates some bacteria that causes the condition, you have to look for an item that kills one. Scan through the products sold in the store and trust those that are ADA (American Dental Association) approved. And of course, you can ask your dentist which mouthwash is best to use. Our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA does not exist for nothing, you know.

Myth #2: Toothbrush and toothpaste

This myth goes that as long as one brushes his or her teeth, one can prevent bad breath. We wish it to be true but it is not. The reason why this is the least effective method to rid of the condition is because a person only and typically brushes their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds. That does not eliminate those bacteria that cause your stinky breath.

It is advisable to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes. Also, do not forget to include your tongue in the process. Bad breath causing bacteria love to hang out on our tongues. You should also floss everyday to get rid of the bacteria that are staying in between your teeth. You can even do away with those bacteria that give off that rancid smell if you are lucky.

Let us close out the list of unacceptable myths with a solution that is nowhere to be true. So according to this myth, how can we tell ourselves if we have bad breath?

Myth #3: Breathing onto your hand

We often see this in commercials on oral hygiene products like toothpastes and mouthwashes but this gesture holds no truth in it. Breathing does not bring out the odor from the area way back of our mouths where the bacteria are. Another thing is that we are all accustomed to our own smell so how can we tell if our breath is stinky or not?

Halitosis is a dental and medical condition that needs to be addressed. We stand up and fight against this condition by giving Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. So go to your dentist now and help win back your reputation by fighting bad breath.