To Eat or Not to Eat: Food for Healthier Teeth


We all know the importance of proper hygiene and regular dental check-ups to keep our teeth strong and healthy. Aside from that, what can you do in your own way to promote healthy teeth? We at Tooth Spa Dentistry – your friendly dental care clinic in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA – suggest you to munch on these yummy munchies to keep those teeth biting (and have a full tummy)!

  • Milk and Eggs
    You’ve guessed it right! The combo of milk and eggs go on top of our list as the best food for healthy teeth. Aside from being a good menu for breakfast, these two and other dairy products are good sources of calcium and vitamin D which is essential for bone health. Our bodies need vitamin D in order for it to absorb calcium so you need to have plenty of those in order to get stronger bones and teeth.

  • Cheese
    Who doesn’t love cheese? Since you’re already enjoying its sumptuous goodness, who knew that it also helps keep your teeth strong? Cheese is known to release calcium that mixes with plaque. It then sticks to your teeth to protect them from acid that causes decay. It also rebuilds tooth enamel right on the spot! More reasons to love it!

  • Apples, Carrots and Celery
    Setting aside the fact that they’re tasty, these fruits and vegetables are known to help clean plaque and freshen up your breath.

  • Fresh Cranberries
    Recent studies have shown that these fruits stop the bonding or oral bacteria before they can even form plaque. What a great way to get preventive dental care!

  • Meat, Fish and Tofu
    Phosphorus is an important mineral in protecting tooth enamel. Luckily, these foods are packed with phosphorus. So grab them whenever you get the chance.

  • Dark Leafy Vegetables
    Aside from promoting regular check-ups at our dental care at Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, we, at Tooth Spa Dentistry suggest you munch on dark leafy vegetables like broccoli, kale, okra, and collards because they’re loaded with calcium. Calcium does not only keep our bones and teeth strong, they also partake in the movement of our muscles and also in blood clotting processes.

While the types of food mentioned above promote healthier teeth, the next list shows what to avoid.

  • Coffee
    Nooo! Bad news for caffeine addicts there. Unfortunately, coffee contains tannic acids that wear down enamel and even stain the teeth brown. Don’t worry; we know you won’t give up easily on your love for coffee. A good thing about it though is it has several health benefits like lower risks in developing liver cancer and lower risks of acquiring Parkinson’s disease.
  • Soda
    Bet you’ve seen this one coming. Numerous evidences show linkage between soda consumption with tooth erosion and decay.
  • Candy
    These sweet things aren’t so sweet when it comes to our teeth. Candies cause cavities and usually get stuck in crevices. They also expose your teeth to sugar for a prolonged period therefore, making our teeth prone to damage.

Now that you are aware of the type of food that strengthen or decay your teeth, back your protection up by having regular check-ups at our dental care clinic at Tooth Spa Dentistry. We’re conveniently located at Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA so stop by to have your precious teeth checked. Remember, a perfect smile is the best (and cheapest) gift you can give to anyone.