How to Care for your Teeth (What You Should Avoid or Reduce)

How to Care for your Teeth (What You Should Avoid or Reduce)

We have talked about how smoking and eating a lot of sweets can be harmful to your oral health but guess what, there are still a lot of things you need to avoid or reduce for the betterment of your oral health and your physical wellbeing and these are:

Sticky foods
First, the sweet ones and now the sticky ones!? Why must all your favourites be bad for your teeth? Those that are pleasurable are always the things that are harmful for your health. Sticky foods are just one of the things that are harmful for your teeth. Why is it harmful?

Effect of too much sticky foods on your teeth:

  • Tooth decay

Let us torture ourselves more and list the sticky foods you need to reduce taking in:

  • Dried fruits (raisins)
  • Gummy candies
  • Taffy
  • Granola bars
  • Sugary gum (try sugar-free gums)

Now sticky foods are not generally bad. You can enjoy them every once in a while and always remember: do not eat a lot of these. A small bite or portion of a good sticky food is good for you.

Alcoholic substances
Oh yes, the very classy drink you can have at a fancy restaurant can be bad for you and your teeth. But wait, isn’t drinking in fancy restaurants a drain in one’s money? Why would you ever drink on such places? That is true and you may not be able to drink a lot in one, you can always go to bars or attend drinking parties with your friends and family members.

Effect of too much alcohol:

  • Tooth decay

Just like smoking, when one is a drinker, one finds it really hard to quit. Here are just some tips to start quitting or reducing your alcohol intake:

  • Get support from family members, friends and/or support groups.
  • Get counselling.
  • Try residential treatment.
  • Talk to professionals.

Speaking of talking to professionals, you can talk to professional providers of Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA by visiting us at

When you want quality Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, Tooth Spa Dentistry is your best answer. Maintaining your dental health has always been our specialty but we do it with a twist. We pamper all our clients with the best treatment possible.

Going to the dentist’s clinic should not be one where you experience horror in every way and in all angles. In Tooth Spa Dentistry, we forbid pain in entering our patient’s system. Instead, we improve their dental examination experience by treating them with outmost care.

Care to have the best day in your life for dental treatments and examination? Visit the finest provider of Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA.

How to Care for your Teeth (What You Should Do)

How to Care for your Teeth (What You Should Do)

Your teeth are your window to your overall wellbeing. Taking care of it means taking 
care of the rest of your body. What are the things you must do to take care of your teeth? 
Here is a list of the things you can do to make a great impact to your overall wellbeing:

1. Brush twice a day

  • Brushing is one of the vital things you MUST to maintain your oral health.
  • Brush at least 2 minutes to get to all the surfaces of your teeth.
  • As a parent, it is your duty to teach your children how to have a good oral hygiene habit. Let them start brushing on the day they have their first baby teeth.
  • Use soft bristled brush or even an electric toothbrush for better results.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Do not brush too soon after your meals. Wait for at least 30 minutes before you brush the harmful bacteria away.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste for it defends the enamel and prevents cavities from forming in your tooth.

2. Floss daily.

Flossing is very important especially for reaching at areas that are inaccessible by your toothbrush.

  • Utilize 30-cm floss or even an interdental cleaner. Insert in between your teeth, move it up and down. Curve around the other tooth. Then you have to repeat the process.
  • Be gentle when you reach below the gum line.

3. Use mouthwash.

  • Use a mouthwash with fluoride in it.
  • Optional: make a natural remedy by putting a half teaspoon of salt into one glass of warm water and stir.
  • Do not swallow the mouthwash.

4. Brush or scrape your tongue.

  • Brush gently your tongue or use a particular tongue scraper. Some toothbrushes have a rough and rubbery patch on the back which can be used for cleaning the tongue.
  • Gently brush or scrape so as not to injure your tongue.

5. Let crunchy fruits of vegetables do the work.

Teeth can be scraped clean with a piece of fruit or vegetable. Consider eating the following after your meal and replace your snacks with the following:

  • Apples
  • Broccolis
  • Peppers
  • Carrots
  • Celeries
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuces

As human and living beings, we need to take good care of ourselves for if we do not, then who will? Just follow the mentioned steps in taking care of your teeth and you will surely avoid dentures when your hair turns to that beautiful shade of grey.

In having a healthy set of teeth, you need to exert an effort. You can also maintain your healthy teeth by visiting the best supplier of Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA which is no other than Tooth Spa Dentistry.

With our professional and experienced dentists, you can have confidence and satisfaction with the services we are currently offering.

For more tips and facts about your oral health and our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA, you may visit us at

The Biggest Turnoff that You Have Forgotten

The Biggest Turnoff that You Have Forgotten

Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA can help you keep people from being disappointed at how dashing you appear. There are so many ways to cover up things in people’s faces and body. Wrinkles can be buried under layers of makeup. Eyes can be defined better. Eyebrows can be modified. Blush can be faked, and for sure cherry lips can be easily worn. Attention can be drawn away from unsightly features through cutting in clothing, patterns, colors, and accessories. Heights can be augmented through stilettos, and hips can be reduced through waist bands. Wigs and extensions can be worn, and goes on the endless list of easy beauty modifications. However, despite all these, when one smiles and some teeth are missing, or your not so pearly whites are in chaotic arrangement, then your attraction scale drops low. Maybe you have the perfect face and body but when you talk, your buddy holds his breath. Spare yourself the embarrassment, visit Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA as soon as you can.

You can put the condition of your mouth as an indicator of how everything else inside you is, or how you are as a person. Everything else from skin to body can appear the way a person wants it to appear, but the mouth – it is all honesty there.

You can go on a classy dinner date and pretend you only eat salads and that you hate the smell of cigarettes but as you claim that, your breath reeks that of a smoker and chronic junk food eater. You may boast of your active lifestyle, of daily jogging and weekly hikes but then your teeth show signs of neglect. You tell your partner about how committed you are in the relationship but your mouth has sores. When it was just your mere unhealthy oral habit that caused the wounds and bruises in your mouth, your S.O. might get a different idea.

So have those gum problems checked. Straighten that teeth, and pull out the ones that cause bad breath, fill cavities in, and whiten those cigarette stains at Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. With great teeth and irresistible smile, you would not need excessive efforts on other beautifications in your body.

Are Your Teeth Normal?

Are Your Teeth Normal?

There are so many teeth abnormalities more than one realizes. There are not only crooked and straight teeth. There are so many types of defective structures among people’s teeth. The difficulty you are experiencing in swallowing, speaking, eating, or that something off in your face that you cannot seem to point out might just be your teeth. Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA can help determine what you oral problems are and fix it excellently for you. Take a look at the different kinds of teeth abnormalities which Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA will eliminate for you.

  1. Underbite

An underbite is characterized by the lower teeth to overlap the upper teeth. This can be caused by malformation of the jaw or by constant pushing of the tongue over the lower set of teeth. The use of pacifier or bottles in long periods of time could cause it, as well as thumb sucking. Many people leave underbites untreated.

  1. Overbite

Like the underbite, an overbite is caused by a malformation of the jaws, which could be hereditary. The lower jaw can be too little or the upper jaw relatively larger. Thumb sucking and consistent thrusting of the tongue against the back of the teeth can cause an overbite as well. More commonly known as buckteeth, Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA is known for correcting such misalignment excellently.

  1. Malocclusion

Class 1 malocclusion is common for many people. It is characterized by slight overlapping of the upper teeth over the lower teeth. This however is easier to correct since it is not as severe as class 2 (overbite) and class 3 (underbite) malocclusions.

Any of these misalignments present problems in eating, speech, and even in attractiveness. There is no age limit as to when these can be corrected although it is advisable that it should be taken a look at as early as possible.